A very special thanks goes to my grandfather, Amrik, who was very instrumental in developing my interests in history, geography, religion, and all of the regular topics of conversation that we’ve shared and continue to share regularly.
I would also like to thank all of my Uncles and Aunts who were super supportive of this project. I continually welcome your submissions and value your stories and experiences.
While the project started off with a lot of motivation and enthusiasm, I must admit that my focus didn’t necessarily stay on track all of the time. For keeping me focused, helping me out with scanning pictures, and continually keeping me motivated to make this project a reality, I have to give utmost thanks to Neena Masi.
As I’ve mentioned before, the current state of the project is by no means complete. Honestly, I don’t think it will ever be. History is created each and every day, which is why I have to thank my cousin Esha for being the one to help edit that history so that it’s not just jumbles of words that don’t make sense.